This website is created in a motive to show our creativity in upcoming eco lifestyle,the latest style & trend accelerated by our company. Not only the 3rd world country but also the whole world will take a glance of latest view of future green world by the unique fiber “JUTE”.
All products and services meet the highest standards. We care for our customers, their best satisfaction, our environment, our employee and our society. Please shake your hand with us and help to create the world greenish. We believe in quality rather than quantity. So do so, in jute sector we always focus on most advance technology, high graded raw materials,regular test facilities and that’s our habit.
We give consistently quality supply strictly adhering to the delivery schedule at a very competitive price.Our production capacity depending upon the buyers requirements,as we are capable of handling huge quantities. The Jute Fibers Bd is committed to excellence in everything it does and take pride in being the pioneer in using food graded jute and installing environmental measures.
Thanks to all
Rowshanara Begum
Director ( Sales & Marketing)
The Jute Fibers BD.

I love Nature. Jute is the Natural bust fiber. So, I alawys want to stay with eco friendly Jute product. Best Jute producing at our country
Bangladesh.Jute fibers Mother status earn our country as find out above fibers Jean structure. We can manufacture & deliver worldwide in time any types of Jute goods as desired by the valued buyer.Specifications ,Swatch or idea is our manufacturing stand.
Welcome all to us to collect eco-friendly articles for daily uses. Safe yourself , safe earth.
Thanking you & all.
Mohtarima Shimly
Director (Design & Diversified)
The Jute Fibers BD.